This project aims to:
Social Media in Classroom
Members of Scientific Association DIGITAL IDEA within the framework of the approved European ERASMUS +
program in the field of Adult Education (2018-1-EL01-KA104-047326) participated in Structured Course /
Training Course in Bologna/Italy entitled “Social media in Classroom”.
In Bologna's mobility at IFOM, more than 20 teachers from many countries in Europe had the opportunity to
improve their digital skills in a practical way. Participants had the opportunity to train themselves on
modern digital social networking tools. The main objective of the program was to integrate social media into
adult education teaching, enhance collaborative learning as well as exchange experiences on good teaching
practices in the use of innovative tools in digital education.
The members of the association that participated in mobility are: Siakavaras Ioannis, Kechagias Ioannis,
Ioannou Maria, Ioanna Karageorgou.
Members of Scientific Association DIGITAL IDEA within the framework of the approved European ERASMUS +
program in the field of Adult Education (2018-1-EL01-KA104-047326) participated in Structured Course /
Training Course in Prague / Czech Republic entitled “Using e-Learning Platforms”.
In Prague’s mobility at ITC, more than 12 teachers from many countries in Europe had the opportunity to
train on modern distance learning platforms such as Moodle.
The members of the association that participated in mobility are: Tanos Ilias, Kitsakis Konstantinos,
Stamatiadis Evangelos, Petrou Nikolaos, Malakos Stamatis and Ioannidis Dimitrios.
Open events were held for Adult Trainers of the program entitled "Digital Skills @ Adult Education" and
code 2018-1-EL01-KA104-047326.
The main results of the program presented were:
- integrating social media into Adult Education
- exchange of experiences on the teaching of innovative tools in the digital classroom
- integrating distance education platforms into Adult Education and
- enhancing collaborative learning.